Home Products ESP | Disabled Refuge Range

ESP | Disabled Refuge Range

ESP’s Beacon disabled refuge range is being increasingly sought after by contractors working on larger projects.

Meeting the requirements of BS 9999:2017 and Building Regulations Approved Document B, the range comprises a variety of products designed to assist emergency evacuation situations, with the aim of assisting people with limited mobility to safely exit the building.

There are two beacon master station options available, a push button version with 2-8 lines, and a touchscreen version with capacity for up to 512 lines. During an emergency the master station provides clear duplex audio to assist an evacuation process.

Disabled refuge outstations, known as ‘Type B’ outstations, provide a fixed point of communication for users who require evacuation or assistance. Situated in refuge areas in protected stairwells, it provides duplex audio to the master station.

Fire telephone handsets, known as ‘Type A’ outstations, are for use by the fire and rescue service, allowing the officer at the fire control centre to communicate with other officers to control the evacuation.

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